Elite High School Entebbe

Welcome To

Elite High School Entebbe

What a joy to know that your daughter/son will experience a holistic education in a Christian high school! (Where they will be taught according to the truth).


About Us

Walk the Talk (Titus 2.7)

Elite High School is a modern mixed Boarding Christian School for both levels. We are located at Bwebajja 1 km off Entebbe Road on Akright Hills, seated on 20 acres of land and fully fenced with a perimeter wall. Your child is assured of a very conducive and friendly environment for academic excellence.
We offer a learner - centered teaching and learning experience suitable for the 21st Century; nurturing all round citizens who are relevant and competitive to meet the global standards of education.


“A centre of excellence that shapes exceptional individuals who will make a defining difference in our world”


“To create unique learners who are socially functional analytically precise, financially savvy and very creative in all areas of life for glorification of God”

Core Values

God Fearing

We produce earnestly religious students!


We strive to produce outstanding and extremely good students academically!


What a joy to know that we impart honesty and strong moral principles in our students!


We encourage and develop the skill and imagination to create new things!


Our students are persistent in whatever they do despite any difficulties or delay in achieving success!


We instill a sense of responsibility in our students in order for them to be able to be in control of their studies!


What We Provide

We offer a rigorous academic programme and a wide range of extra-curricular activities too enable students discover their talents!


We provide a balanced diet to all our students!


We develop students' talents through games and sports. Our students participate in both national and international games and sports competitions.


The school has four buses that transport our students whenever they have to go out for study trips.


The Computer Laboratory is spacious and well stocked with over 100 fully functional computers that are connected to the internet to enhance research.


Edutainment(Education through entertainment) is another way we teach our students. We provide various forms of entertainment to our students. E.g Movie nights, Music Dance and Drama, etc.


We have all the facilities that students need to excel in their studies. Our facilities are some of the best in this country.

Our Administrators

Onyango Lawrence


Ssekiwunga Charles

Deputy Headteacher - Administration

Mpaata Ernest

Deputy Headteacher - Academics

Kimuli Simon Peter

Director Of Studies

What People Say

A Tour Around The School

What a joy to know that your daughter/son will experience a holistic education in a Christian high school! (Where they will be taught according to the truth).

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